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Dream-tour in Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda is a dream destination for nature lovers and those who want to relax on the beach. The island has 365 beaches, so you’ll never run out of places to lay your towel. It’s also home to thousands of pink flamingos on the north coast, plus beavers, egrets and other birds at Wallings Nature Reserve.

The capital city of St. John’s is filled with historic buildings such as Anglican cathedral and Government House; Nelson's Dockyard is where Admiral Nelson lived while he was building his fleet; British forts dot the shoresline along with Frigate birds flying overhead while Boggy Peak offers hikers a chance to see how green Antigua really is!

St. John's

The capital is St. John's and it has a population of about 90,000. The city is on the island of Antigua, one of two major islands that make up this country.

Anglican cathedral

The Anglican cathedral of St John's is one of the oldest buildings on Antigua. It was built in 1680 by British colonists as a place of worship for themselves and their slaves, who were forbidden from entering other churches. The interior features woodwork carved with Biblical scenes by African artisans; you can see some examples on display at the Independence Museum nearby.

The churchyard contains several graves dating back hundreds of years, including those of William Kidd (1645), captain Henry Morgan (1688), and Admiral Edward Vernon (1757).

Government House

Government House is the official residence of the Governor General of Antigua and Barbuda. It was built in 1743, but it has undergone many changes since then. During its history, Government House has been used as a prison during the American Revolution and as a hospital during the 1918 flu pandemic.

Nelson's Dockyard

Nelson's Dockyard is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it's located in St. John's, the capital of Antigua and Barbuda. It was once home to Royal Navy ships that patrolled the Caribbean Sea during colonial times. Today it has been converted into a tourist destination where you can learn about Nelson Mandela's life by visiting his museum, who was born on this island nation. If you're interested in history or just want to see some old buildings from different eras, then I recommend going here!

The British forts

The British forts are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most important historic sites in Antigua and Barbuda. They were built by the British in the 17th century to protect the island from pirates who attacked ships at sea, but they also served as a prison during colonial times.

The forts are located on St John's Island (often referred to as "Fort Island"), which is connected by bridge to Antigua's main island. The three major structures are Fort James, Fort Charles and Fort Shirley; they offer fantastic views over Gray's Bay and North Sound--it's easy to imagine how important these locations were for defending Antigua against invaders!

Frigate birds

Frigate birds are large, sea birds with wingspans of up to 2 metres. They are found in tropical and subtropical oceans and can be easily identified by their forked tail, red throat pouch and long pointed wings.

Frigates are known for their aerobatic displays which they use to impress potential mates during the breeding season. During these aerial displays they may dive from great heights before pulling up at the last moment - this behaviour is known as "tail walking". Frigate birds feed on fish, squid and other small animals such as molluscs or crustaceans.

Boggy Peak

Boggy Peak is a mountain located in Saint John Parish. It is the highest point in Antigua and Barbuda, at 1,876 feet (571 meters) above sea level. Boggy Peak is a popular tourist destination for hiking enthusiasts who come to enjoy its lush vegetation and panoramic views of the surrounding islands. There are several hiking trails leading up to the top of this mountain; one of them takes you through an old fort that was used by soldiers during World War II and later abandoned during peacetime after they left their post without demolishing it first!

If you're looking for more than just an afternoon hike, then why not bring your picnic basket along with you? You can sit down by one of two picnic areas located near each other on opposite sides at the base where there's plenty of shade provided by large trees overhead so no matter which direction winds blow from--you'll stay cool under cover!

Hike the trails of the Wallings Nature Reserve

The Wallings Nature Reserve is a great place to hike, especially if you're looking for some quiet time in nature. The reserve has a network of trails with varying levels of difficulty, so any hiker will be able to find one that suits them. If you're interested in wildlife photography or birdwatching, this should be your first stop on your dream trip!

You can expect to see many different kinds of animals here: birds such as parrots and hummingbirds; reptiles like iguanas; mammals like deer and monkeys (which are both native). There are also plenty of plants growing throughout the park--some common ones include ferns and palms trees--and they make it feel like an old-fashioned jungle adventure when you visit them during your visit!

Birds and Pink Beaches of Barbuda

There are two pink sand beaches on Barbuda. The south end of the island has a frigate bird colony, which can be seen from the pink beach. When you're done looking at these seabirds, head north to see another pink beach and explore some caves along your way.

Antigua and Barbuda is a dream destination. The capital is St. John's, which has the Anglican cathedral and government house. Nelson's Dockyard is also in this area, as well as some British forts and frigate birds that are common in Antigua and Barbuda. There's also Boggy Peak up north where you can go hiking or just enjoy the view of this beautiful island nation!

We hope you've enjoyed this dream-tour of Antigua and Barbuda. The islands' natural beauty, history, culture and people make them a truly special place, and we're proud to call it home. If you are planning on visiting the region yourself, we would love to welcome you as our guest at one of our properties!